Evercon puts on another great convention

Once again Evercon hit it out of the park. As always, we had a great time, the Evercon team had put
together a great convention!
We had a couple of different sessions on Saturday and had a blast. We really enjoyed the players who
came to the tables, and we hope they had a great time too.
Andy is pictured above running his session. I’m pictured above with the legendary Dillar of Diddlerock,
aka Chuck to those less-than-legendary folks. We played our first Mystic Days adventure here 3 years
ago, and Chuck was sitting at the table then and he has not missed playing the game each year since
then. We always look forward to seeing him.
Since I last wrote here, Andy is now just a handful of monsters away from having all the new monsters
finished. The Monster Mayhem volume will now feature more than 300 monsters. That should be more
than enough creatures to fulfill your adventures in the coming years.
Our big hurdle though, is art. The amount of art we need is going to take a while to get completed. So,
as always we will keep trudging ahead. We were shooting for September to release the new books but I
think we were a little too optimistic about getting that much art so soon. The books will probably not be
out until sometime next year, but we will get everyone their PDFs early as those are easy to update with
art later, something that we cannot do with books.
The korrikapra and the tomte have been sculpted and cast by Iron Wind Metals, the owner of Ral
Partha, and they look great. Only 4 more to go and we’ll have our first line of minis completed. We also
have some STL creatures being created by Mad Mara Miniatures, a great artist from Spain. You can
watch her sculpt the vendrax in time-lapse here. Vendrax  It will also be available on our website eventually.
Our next stop is Davecon in Bloomington MN. This is another convention we would not miss, and you
shouldn’t either, we would love to see you there. You should come and meet some of the great D&D
icons that were there at the beginning. You can even enjoy an adventure with some of them including
David Wesely, Mike Carr, William Hoyt, and more. Professor Dungeon Master will be there too, giving
three lectures throughout the weekend. Check it out here. Davecon
Hope to see you there!

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