Dice are ordered

With August ending and Labor Day upon us, we wanted to let you know the dice are orded and we should see them in a week or so.

We are busy finishing things up on the last book, Andy is well on his way through the enchantment section, the last section, of the Creatures and Coins book. Once that is done we will be proof reading one last time before it is sent out for final editing. Once this is completed we will be sending out the PDF copies to all that weighed in on the Kickstarter or made a pre-order. We are anxious to get it into your hands and let you get started using these rules.

We are in the process of getting 2 separate campaign worlds started along with some adventures in each. We have no roll out date at this time as finishing the rules and getting those in your hands is top priority.

We will be at GrandCon in Grand Rapids Sept. 2nd-4th if you are going to the convention, stop by and say hi, maybe make up a character and roll the dice a bit, we would love to see you there. We are also setting up more sessions at some of the local game cafes, I’ll put them on the calender as soon as we have dates. Andy will be in Orlando at GrogCon Sept. 30 – Oct. 2nd, if any of you are from that area definitely stop at his table.

If any of you are fans of the old Dungeon magazine, you have to check out Flipping and Turning magazine by Smoldering Dung Games. Great content you wont regret checking them out, they’ll be at GrogCon also.

Get ready for MysticCon, we have a convention in the works for September of next year in Midland Mi. Tentative guests so far are, the Godfather of gaming Mr David Wesely, the Prince of D&D Mr Ernie Gygax Jr., employee #13 Mr Tom Wham, and good friend, organizer of DaveCon and president of Angry Dwarf Games, Mr Vic Dorso.

Mark your calender as David Wesely will be running his Braunstein and Banana Republic games, these are the games that inspired Dave Arnesons’  Blackmore campaign. It is likely D&D would not be what it is today without Dave Weselys’ influence.  It is an experience you won’t regret and it is most certainly  very different from the game you play today. He loves numbers in his game 16+,  so there is little chance of missing the opportunity to sit in on one of his sessions,

 You can also jump in on a game DMed by Ernie Gygax Jr, at DaveCon it was common to see Ernie running a game with 15 or more players, so make sure you make time to play a game with him.

Vic Dorso will be running a game or two also, so make room for that and you won’t regret it.

Meet emplyee #13 Tom wham, along with producing his own games he worked for TSR back in the day. He contributed many illustrations for the original Monster Manual including the Beholder

We hope you will be able to make it. Playing with Dave Wesely and Ernie Gygax Jr is a rare opportunity indeed. We will have many more games running than these throughout the course  of the 3 days, there should be something for everyone.

We will be using TableTop Events for reservations and setting up game times. We will keep you posted as the time draws nearer

Thanks for your interest and it wont be long before we have this game out to you.


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