Good morning fellow adventurers!
The best exclamatory remark I possess within my limited vocabulary to describe both the wonderful experience and the positive feedback from all the great and admirable people at DaveCon is wow.
Just WOW!
From the word go DaveCon was nothing short of an overwhelmingly wonderful experience for two guys hopeful to embark upon a journey to fulfill a dream.
Thursday evening we dined with special guests, Ernie Gygax and David Wesely. No, I am not name dropping. I am not trying to impress with some superficial social status of ours. I am trying to impress upon you the reason for my previous singular exclamatory remark.
We met many other wonderful new friends at that event including those who sat to either side of us, Robert, Marin and his dad whom I only remember lovingly as Grumbly and Chad who did not give me any legal advice.
Our host and hostess, Vic and Jeannie, created a great atmosphere for the entire weekend proving just how excellent and exceptional they are at such things.
I could go on and on, but I will digress with the exception to say thanks for the positive input, invaluable advice and cherished memories to the following people: Lawrence whose little gnome couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper sack yet helped take down the biggest hooligan in the inn, Chad whose villager on a rope suggestion will be long remembered and whose brazen drinking of potions turned his PC into an attractive counterpart for Dillar, Wade whose lightning spell both saved the day and later burned his own character to a crisp, Brian who cannot roll to save his life yet somehow managed a gut check that left him with a dead faun in the boat and a pile of loot, Tom whose PC walked off with both a pile of newfound treasure and a new girlfriend, Daniel who refused to meta play and followed his PC’s intuition to her demise, Dominic who really enjoyed throwing chairs at hooligans while proceeding to literally kick them senseless across the room and Brad who probably regrets listening to Daniel.
In addition, thanks to Lynn whose analytical mind brought about an instant in-game rules change, Robert whose input gave me cause to tone down some things in the rule book, Cully who never cast a spell correctly yet always ended up with a wildly favorable outcome and Roy who could not find a belt fast enough.
Special thanks to Rob whose rat-filled temple gave me the opportunity to kill a wererat with Dave Wesely. Check out Rob’s game and magazine at
and Cully who took us on a free tour and consultation course for Kickstarter.
Check out Cully’s Fright Effect and Crit Effect cards at
To the rest whose faces I recall, but sadly my mental rolodex does not I say thank you so much for the wonderful shared experience.
For those of you who missed the opportunity to play a character in Ernie Gygax’s adventure or the original Braunstein with the creator of rpg’s, The Emperor David Wesely, don’t worry for DaveCon II is coming.