About Us
It was D&D that brought us into the fantasy RPG world. Without Dave Arneson and E. Gary Gygax, Mystic Days would not exist. The first set that Dave got was from his brother-in-law. It was the white box. The problem? He had no one to play with. A couple years later, my best friend Eric, received the Moldvay set from his dad and he and I were off and running wild! Dave and I, though cousins, were separated by a few years and some distance, so we didn’t play D&D. It wasn’t until about 1990 that Dave and I played our first game together. We started with the white box that Dave still had. Then we went to the red, followed by the blue box, and eventually we jumped into 2nd Edition hardcover books.
We had great fun, and spent many hours killing monsters, exploring dungeons and jungles, lost cities and caverns, and were limited only by our imaginations.
As time went on, we started to change the rules. There was much we didn’t like in the combat mechanics, as well as character progression, and the ease with which magic was used, so we started to change things like so many others have done. Eventually it wasn’t really D&D anymore; we had our own rules.
Mystic Days is the result of this. Do we think D&D is not worth playing anymore? Not at all, we had years of great fun with D&D. We do, however, think the rules we have spent years creating are more dynamic.
Now we have Mystic Days on the market and many people around the world have played it, but there’s always room for improvement. We have the distinct privilege of being able to cover our books with some iconic artwork from Clyde Caldwell. The rules are being revised, some errors in the documents are being fixed, and many things are being added to the rules.
We have brought William Hart in to create amazing new artwork to adorn the pages, and Ron Christopher to add an entire book of monsters and magic!
Click the link and join us on Kickstarter for the next adventure! You can not only follow the Kickstarter campaign as we progress toward out September 1 launch date, but you can also message us with feedback to help us improve the project. Grab your backpack, sword, and lantern, and we’ll see you in the caves!
Andy Thomas

Co-designer of Mystic Days, is happily married to his amazing wife, Lynette. They have two sons and two beautiful daughters-in-law.
He first played D&D as a boy and was enthralled with the imaginative world into which one could be immersed.
After not playing such games for over twenty years, he’s thrilled to be able to offer the current generation that same experience he had so many years ago.
Dave Yeager

Co-designer of Mystic Days and happily married to his high school sweetheart. They have 3 beautiful daughters with a son in law and a grandson.
Getting a first edition D&D boxed set for his 13th birthday, he found no one interested in playing. It wasn’t until he was in his twenties that he finally got together with Andy and got hooked by the mystery and mayhem of fantasy rpg gaming.
With these rules he hopes many will find the same joy he did playing fantasy rpg games.