Hello fellow adventurers! AcadeCon was a fantastic convention and we will definitely be returning next year. I’m looking forward to a couple new games, Kazuni and Scrape The Sky. You can check those out at www.PlayKazuni.com and www.twelvesidedpublishing.com
As for Mystic Days, we gained some more players and grew the Mystic Days community. Right now Dave is working on getting The Player’s Book and The Adventure Guide ready for printing so we can get some hard copies. We won’t release them yet though as we are still waiting for players to get their feedback to us by December 1. If we don’t get any feedback which requires necessary changes, we will be sending hardcover copies out as early as the first week of December!
The last book, Creatures & Coins, should be sent out for final editing this week, so we could have the entire rule set ready before Christmas! It’s drawing to an exciting conclusion after much work spent honing and fine tuning everything.
Andy Thomas
President of Glumer Games LLC
Co-Creator of Mystic Days